
Ultra Cute Girl: Choi Byeol Yee (최별이) in Yellow!

From ultra sexy to ultra cute: Choi Byeol Yee (최별이) makes you want to order take out from a cafe; and the take out menu item you want will be Choi Byeol Yee (최별이) herself!

Enjoy this ultra cute set from her!

Choi Byeol Yee

Choi Byeol Yee

Choi Byeol Yee

Choi Byeol Yee

Choi Byeol Yee

Choi Byeol Yee

Choi Byeol Yee

Choi Byeol Yee

Choi Byeol Yee

Choi Byeol Yee

Choi Byeol Yee

Choi Byeol Yee

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