
More Seoul Auto Salon 2009 Videos!

Specially for those who can't get enough of the past post that contains 10 videos of the event; here is more ;)

For die-hard Hwang Mi Hee (황미희) fans, be sure to check out that first video clip on her! She got arguably the cutest wink in the business!

Hope that Steve of Asian Poses will include this as a form of pose! Mark this down as a Hwang Mi Hee "trademark" pose ;)

Hwang Mi Hee (황미희), Hwang In Ji (황인지) and Nam Eun Ju (남은주)! Talk about an overkill of sexiness and cuteness!

A bevy of the best of the Korean Race Queens. Notice how tall Kang Yui (강유이) is! (on the extreme left)

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