
Lee Ji Woo (이지우)

Korean Race Queen Lee Ji Woo (이지우) needs no introduction.

Korean expert Drilla sums it up nicely for her in his Korean Models Top 50 list for year 2008:

"The champion and winner for this year(2008) is of course the sexy Lee Ji Woo.... There is nothing I can say that others in Korea already don't know about her. She was voted hottest race queen by coordinators, managers, and staff. She is the recipient of MP's Event Model of The Year. She has been working her ass of this year and well she is just amazing... I love everything about her..the chilly willy face to the amazing body and did you ever see her wear a white tank???? Freaken ridiculous I tell you... Congrats LJW for you are my countdown winner... One day I will meet you and hear the words Oppa from you...I think I might just die..."

Below is her profile finished in Painter X. (What is she doing at the outdoors?!? Oh yeah, melting those snow covered mountains with her hotness!) :P

Lee Ji Woo

This is just a small sample for the large version for print as a large poster!
The actual file is HUGE! Size of the tiff file is 18.2MB!
Dimensions: 4175 x 5867 pixels!
Size: 70.7 x 99.35 cm, 150 dpi!

Downloads will cost US$6. :D (he he joking)

Have added an alternative version for print too. Night time!

Lee Ji Woo

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